McQuilling Morning Commentary
Jan. 31, 2014
VLCC- Rates have fallen significantly this week and now appear to be leveling off.
VLCC- Rates have fallen significantly this week and now appear to be leveling off.
VLCC - Rates in the AG continue to fall, as charterers have been slow to fix and the Far East celebrates the New
Year holiday. Activity in the West has been quiet in the absence of Chinese charterers.
VLCC - Few requirements are being traded, as many celebrate New Year holidays in the Far East. Worldscale
rates continue to weaken in the AG.
VLCC - The market has been quiet and Worldscale rates in the AG are weakening.
VLCC - The market is quiet as many in the Far East are preparing for the New Year holiday.
VLCC - Worldscale rates in the AG continue to firm as inquiry remains strong across the market.
VLCC - Worldscale rates in the AG continue to firm as inquiry remains strong across the market.
VLCC - Rates continue to move higher for AG/East as the Eastern New Year approaches.
VLCC- Fresh highs in the AG and West Africa as the market rose dramatically this week.
VLCC- The market surged yesterday, and many owners are shifting tonnage towards West Africa to take advantage of the effects of a high Suezmax market.
VLCC- The market seems to have found its bottom for the time being, and the question being asked is how many more January stems are left.
VLCC- The AG market is approaching 100 fixtures for January, which is about 15 fixtures less than the same date in 2013 and 2012.
VLCC- Worldscale rates continue to weaken, despite a relatively active week in the AG and Atlantic markets.
VLCC- Rates continue to weaken in the AG, but West Africa is more active.
VLCC- Fixtures AG/East have been done below w/s50 for the first time since early November 2013.
VLCC- Worldscale rates continue to weaken in all areas, although activity in the Atlantic has been picking up.
VLCC- The week starts with moderate activity in the AG while West Africa appears to be quiet.