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VLCC Fleet Development: Newbuildings and CPP Trades

May 28, 2021

For this week’s highlight, we continue the same overarching theme of the VLCC fleet development.  Through our analysis over the years, we have found out that about 63% of DPP marine demand is carried out by VLCCs, as compared to 23% on Suezmaxes and about 13% on Aframaxes.  This statistic reveals that typically, as the VLCC market moves, so does the entire market, in a similar direction.  In addition, as we noted last week, even if a few of these very large tankers are added or removed from the trading fleet, it could have a measurable impact.

Recently, we ...

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VLCC Fleet Development: Ocean Tankers

May 21, 2021

We regularly look into the VLCC fleet and how it is expected to develop, as well as try to analyze the impact of various events that we become aware of.  The reason is that given the size of a single VLCC, even small numerical adjustments in the total number of ships in the fleet tend to have a meaningful impact in the ton-mile demand and supply balance - something that inevitably “spills over” to the smaller classes as well.

For this weekly highlight, we are going to look at one of the events that have been discussed recently and had impact ...

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India Demand Implications

May 14, 2021

India is the world’s third largest crude oil importer and it has been on the news lately due to a massive surge in COVID-19 infections that brought renewed movement restrictions and measures in an effort to address the problem.  For this week, we are going to look at some of the headline numbers for crude demand in the country and explore some possible scenarios for the near-term.

The new coronavirus crisis in the country started to become apparent in mid-April, when infection numbers started to surpass 200,000 a day.  Soon the government ordered new expanded lockdowns that had ...

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US Fuel Demand and Imports

May 7, 2021

In the past couple of years and thanks no less to a global pandemic, any market outlook contains the word “volatility” in generous amounts.  Analysts are always looking for ways to “anchor” a projection to indisputable data and sometimes we are indeed seeing that despite the volatility, the overarching story remains true to the outlook.  This week, we take a look at potential CPP import scenarios for the US ahead of a fast-approaching summer driving season.

The pandemic has had the entire world on lockdown with dire consequences for global oil demand.  Even now, we see that wave after wave ...

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