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The EDPI Ship Repair Yard Project Achieves Another Milestone

April 21, 2016

On Monday of this week, the completed environmental impact assessment for the Empresa de Docagens Pedra do Ingá (EDPI) ship repair yard project was submitted to the Paraíba state environmental agency, SUDEMA.  This report, the “Estudo de Impacto Ambiental/Relatório de Impacto Ambiental” (Study of Environmental Impacts/Report of Environmental Impacts, called the EIA/RIMA) was produced in accordance with the requirements to receive environmental licenses for the construction of the new ship repair yard.

The Commercial Director of McQuilling Services, LLC, New York and the Project Director of the Brasil Basin Drydock Company (BBDC) project, Dave Saginaw ...

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Portuguese Version of EDPI Animation Video Now Available

April 18, 2016

The Empresa de Docagens Pedra do Ingá ship repair yard to be located in Lucena, Paraíba represents a major infrastructure project in Brazil that will create a world-class facility standing beside the top ship repair installations in the world today. From an ideal location proximate to major shipping lanes, the EDPI yard will deliver high quality, reliable repair and drydocking services to the global merchant fleet.

For more information, please visit www.EDPIshiprepair.com

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